Art is the soul of imagination.

Archive for March, 2014


MAR22-1 MAR22-2

I will be away from my desk tomorrow so I decided to go ahead and post today. The first is my second of two attempts at pop art using a different technique this time. The second is one of my personal favorites, I used finger nail polish for the background which allowed me to apply it in such a way that the background looked grungy and I kept the color to a minimum because I wanted it to look cold and gritty.

Spring Forward


This is a fairly recent piece I finished last month. The canvas had been worked on prior to my receiving it, the person had painted a background with some blues and aquas, browns and siennas etc… and I loved it. Instead of painting over it, I decided to paint a nice cherry tree branch with blossoms (of course). It is painted on 36″x48″ stretched canvas.

Hidden Message series continued.


I jokingly tell people they need special glasses to see this one, but in truth, you don’t. You just have to look closely  to see what’s there. Enjoy. Cheers.


Birds of a Feather…
